Case Study Summary 1

Somewhere near Allegheny, nestled amongst the Appalachian Mountains...

…sits a beautiful campground ready for the next discerning owner. Temperate summers, and crisp snowy winters prove a unique challenge for such a park… ready for improvement by those who share the vision.

Without going into too much detail, lets explore some of the possibilities for adding value and setting this case study apart from the competition. Remember, in order to protect the identity of the park, we’ve only used estimates while exploring the upside.

Well over 100 sites

with room for more..

Let’s Carve Out A Niche.

Current Positioning

An RV park & campground with some cute amenities, great ratings, and a geographic location that makes this a home-run should the proper brand positioning be attained.

  • Low Occupancy
  • Outdated Amenities
  • Great Staff
  • Questionable Brand Positioning

Initial Numbers

CAP rate is running strong at roughly 12%, however with very low (seasonal) occupancy. Expansion opportunities exist and current structures are operational but out-dated.

  • 12% Current Cap Rate
  • $3.3 Million Acquisition
  • 130 Sites
  • Strategic Location

Future Positioning

A stronger emphasis must be placed on the annual enjoyment of this park. A great way to achieve this is to create unique, independently “brandable” – yet cohesive – themes that act as a draw to clientele for each and every season.

With proper re-positioning and cost-effective renovations, this park can surely shine.

Projected Potential

Fast-forward two years into the future, and this park is now a incredible destination for summer, fall, spring, and winter-goers alike. Occupancy rates have surged and as a result, the CAP rate has nearly doubled – a gold-mine for the owner/operators.

Add-Value 1

Amazing Winter Activities

This is snow country. Why not take full advantage of the “winter wonderland” potential that lies within this neck of the woods? Let’s take a look at contracting out with owners/operators of horses & the horse drawn sleigh. Imagine the romanticizing that could be achieved with charming sleigh rides continuously running through and around the park in the winter season. Nothing like curling up for a cup of cocoa in the lodge after a day in a sleigh!

For those seeking a bit more thrill, it’s time to explore the allure of snowmobile adventures. Perfect for those who wish to get out on some of the trails, fields, and open spaces - to buzz around and sight see before retiring for the evening at the lodge.

Potential revenues from this are not solely limited to the experience itself, but also as a cross-sell or up-sell to those coming for special events, weddings, or just simply a romantic getaway.

Add-Value 2

The Terrace & Biergarten

Renovating and up-fitting is no hidden secret, but this case study is a prime candidate for bringing older, more tired amenities in to the modern era. A stunning pavilion with outdoor barbecue areas, gas lit fire pits, seasonal water features and outdoor lounge areas heated in the cooler times with radiant heating is a perfect centerpiece for seasonal gatherings.

The pavillion itself becomes a focal point from which the bathhouses, gift shops, common eating areas and launch points for adventures can all take shape.

If a stunning pavilion wasn’t already enough, we’d like to introduce to the area our incredible “Biergarten” concept - wherein local microbreweries can take part in regular experiences - taking full advantage of the transient demographic. A beer garden within the community is a great way for people to not only come together as friends, family, and fellow campers, but also an amazing way to celebrate Oktoberfest in the heart of Autumn weather.

Add-Value 3

Glass Starlight Cabins

There is something quite magical about relaxing under the stars. In fact, it is likely one of the reason that many go camping to begin with! The thing is, it’s rather tough to stargaze in the cooler and colder time periods of the year. Well, introducing the Stargazing Cabins.

The Stargazing Cabins are cost-effective “luxury” cabins sure to increase cash flow and bring a per unit nightly/weekly rate that rivals the best of hotels in the area. Each unit, acting as a stand-alone “suite”, comes complete with small entry area, closet, and oversized sleeping area. Best of all, the cabin features three “walls of glass” as well as a “starlight ceiling” also made of tempered glass. The overall effect is spectacular, and allows for campers to sleep beneath the cosmos each and every cloudless night.

Case Study Summary 2

The fresh air of the Pacific Northwest sets the stage…

…for a luxurious RV Park with inlet views and waterfront sites. A sizeable investment has been put into beautiful grounds, and semi-private camping areas, yet the community is lacking something special.

The park is our oyster and the upside is our pearl. Remember, in order to protect the identity of the park, we’ve only used estimates while exploring the upside.

If you wish to make an apple

pie from scratch, you must first

invent the universe.

Current Positioning

An upper-end RV park catering to those who wish to have splendid natural views. Incredible location, but lack of amenities and near-zero digital presence.

  • Well manicured grounds
  • Allure of the sea & waterways
  • Existing infrastructure new & sound
  • No digital/online presence
  • Severe lack of amenities

Initial Numbers

You’re paying for location – as such the CAP sits at a current 8.5%. Occupancy is at market average, and there is adjacent land properly zoned for added infrastructure.

  • 8.5% Current Cap Rate
  • $4.75 Million Acquisition
  • 105 Sites
  • No Amenities/Ancillary Cash Flows

Future Positioning

Whilst the sites are stunning, and the common area is very high-end, there’s simply nothing much to do here! Let’s change that.

With annual climate that is suitable to comfortable indoor/outdoor living near year-round, we’ll explore add-value propositions that take advantage of all this park has to offer – plus let’s get more people through the door.

Projected Potential

With the implementation of our proposed add-value amenities, it won’t be very long before extra cash flow can be generated. The occupancy rate will slowly creep up as an indirect result, but more important will be the improved CAP rate – making your investment in a stunning geographic hot-spot be that much more lucrative. The property will PAY YOU handsomely to own and operate it, all the while appreciating in value over the long haul.

Add-Value 1

Food Trucks!

We’re all very familiar with food trucks… but consider for a moment the “dream” demographic for a food truck vendor; a ready-made pad site, with proper zoning in place, and a high-volume transient, CAPTIVE audience to whom they can sell. Perfect!

As this particular RV park collects the highest site rates from the water front and water view sites, it stands to reason that there may be a higher and better use for the underutilized pads more inland within the park. These are the perfect sites for food trucks to set up shop. As there are few amenities in the park, and few dining options in the area, the food trucks may also consider catering to the local community during certain hours of the day. Food for thought.

Add-Value 2

The Outdoor Cinema

Why not offer something truly unique… something with a lot of “bang for the buck”? Well, an outdoor cinema is not only perfect for this type of climate, but returns an above-average cash-on-cash return in considering the amount (or lack thereof) capital required to create such an amenity.

Imagine if you will a drive-in cinema… perfect for the outdoorsy romantic types, yet requires a lot of room for parking. Not ideal, but the concept is a great foundation for an RV Park or campground where outdoor activities can take shape. Not necessarily something to be monetized independently, but rather a great way to boost per-site revenue and community brandability.

Add-Value 3

Modern Booking System

At RV Park Connection, we excel in helping current and future owners/operators digitally market their parks. A good online presence can literally make or break a park. Imaging that you have the best park with the most amazing amenities, but nobody can find it! Not a good formula if you ask us. This Case Study is a prime example of a park that has nearly no online presence. It shows up on Google Maps, but that’s about it. There’s a haphazard Facebook page with a contact number of course, but truly no way to stand out amongst the crowd in the palm of people’s hands. There is no website. There is no mobile website. There is no imagery, no immersion in the experience the park can/will offer, and no way for the park to publish any of the rates, specials, events or promotions.

Lastly, and most important, so many parks nowadays completely lack an interactive booking and reservation system. As we’re in the business of implementing these platforms for owners/operators, this service is a “hands-down no brainer” for this particular project. Ease-of-booking and a killer website are must-haves in today’s market, and will help knock the revenues of this park out of the … ahem… park.

Case Study Summary 3

Unique brand expansion opportunities prevail.

Adventure seeking, lifestyle-oriented outdoorsmen take note – this RV Park is nestled in the heart of Montana – beckoning to those who wish to connect with big sky country.

While smaller, this park is ripe for re-positioning as a destination for corporate retreats. Remember, in order to protect the identity of the park, we’ve only used estimates while exploring the upside.

Enthusiasts take note;

this is the hidden gem

you’ve been looking for.

Current Positioning

Situated in the heart of fly fishing country, this riverside retreat is primarily driven by return guests. Great news, but not necessarily optimal for cash flow and bottom line.

  • Exceptional location for the avid enthusiast
  • Decent facilities – infrastructure is there
  • Not a lot of marketing
  • Brand potential is through the roof
  • Well-positioned for a destinational retreat

Initial Numbers

As it sits, this project cash flows quite well, and would – in a short span – pay for its own upfit and market repositioning. Current CAP is 11% and is based almost exclusively on return clientele.

  • 11% Cap Rate
  • $2 Million Acquisition
  • 54 Units
  • 17 Acres w/ 9+ Un-developed

Future Positioning

Destination-based travel is an incredible way to add a fast as well as long-term revenue boost to an RV Park of this calibre. Whilst still catering to to the RV bound traveler, one can easily reposition this community (or rather transition) into a five-star getaway for corporate retreats and event oriented travel. Let’s explore what makes a park a destination by developing a resort-style enclave catering to the avid sportsman and even those who simply wish to “unplug” from life’s hustle, bustle, and daily chaos.

Projected Potential

As expected, investing the necessary capital for world-class lodge and rustic yet well appointed cabins has paid off exponentially.

The luxury repositioning of this park assists in attracting high-paying clientele from corporations seeking destination-based experientialism for their executives. Proximity to a private airport, and the perfect setting on a fish-filled river make this park a brandable paradise for its owner/operator.

Add-Value 1

A Rustic Dining Area

Utilizing cost effective methodologies such as pole barn/timber frame hybrids offer us the ability to design and build a stunning rustic lodge complete with all the amenities one would expect from a high-class destination.

This new lodge can house a small chef’s kitchen, a bar area, a cozy fireplace and seating area, as well as a retail center with branded goods, apparel, accessories, and outdoor supplies. The restaurant will be home to a chef who specialized in creating amazing dishes with locally sourced product. The menus will be seasonal, ensuring something unique year-round.

Add-Value 2

Maximize Adventures & Apparel

Like many parks of this calibre, the geographic location presents a multitude of relatively untapped revenue streams or avenues of added value. Take for example this particular park’s proximity to an amazing stretch of active river - perfect for the avid sportsman.

Setting up a small facility for a upscale bait shack, storehouse, and launch facility for fly fishing would be a winning formula. Not only would this have the potential to be marketed to a very clear demographic, but itself could be branded as a flyfishing park for which branded apparel and accessories could be sold in the bait shack. A true win-win for a value-add proposition.

Add-Value 3

Renovate & Upgrade

In keeping with the proposed rustic dining area on the first of the add-value propositions, it is a great idea - considering the market - to launch a series of small, yet very luxurious, cabins. These “cabins” would be akin to stand-alone hotel suites, perfect for those who wish to merge a stay at a fine resort with the outdoor feel of an RV Park or Campground.

The cabins themselves will feature fine amenities, and will be situated on the parcels/lots that may not be the perfect site for an RV or a tent. In other words, these cabins will increase the value substantially of what would otherwise be undervalued sites. This new feature, when combined with the lodge and similarly themed dining area, as well as the outdoor adventure amenities, will make this particular park stand out well from the competition.

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